Justin Chaffin, PhD | Ohio Sea Grant

[ ☰ ] Ohio State University

The Ohio State University

Ohio Sea Grant


Justin Chaffin, PhD

Senior Researcher, Research Coordinator, Stone Laboratory

About Chaffin

Justin Chaffin

Justin Chaffin, PhD

Senior Researcher, Research Coordinator, Stone Laboratory

Justin Chaffin is the research coordinator at Stone Lab and conducts his own research on cyanobacterial blooms.


Justin is the research coordinator for Stone Laboratory and conducts his own research on cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Erie. Justin’s duties as research coordinator include arranging visiting researchers’ visits to Stone Lab, coordination of Stone Lab’s REU program, upkeep of Stone Lab’s analytical equipment, maintenance of the lab’s atmospheric mercury monitoring system, and serving as the Lab’s chemical and laboratory safety officer. Justin is also a licensed captain by the United States Coast Guard.

Justin’s research interest is Lake Erie phytoplankton ecology with particular interest in cyanobacterial blooms (cHABs). His recent and ongoing research projects include linking experiments and models to predict cHAB toxicity, investigations into central basin cHABs, determining drivers of benthic algal blooms, the effectiveness of data buoys at measuring cHAB biomass, rapid microcystin tests, and saxitoxin production in inland lakes. Since 2013 Justin has coordinated with charter boat captains who collect water samples once a week for his lab to analyze, and then the captains get a weekly update on Lake Erie water quality.

Justin has worked at Stone Lab since 2012 after graduation from The University of Toledo with his PhD degree.

Impacts and Accomplishments

Stone Laboratory is seen as a national resource to study HABs, and the lab’s scientists are a leader in HAB science.

Stone Laboratory is seen as a national and global scientific resource to study critical environmental issues while training the next generation of scientists.

Since the Toledo water crisis in 2014, Stone Laboratory has worked with the EPA to provide weekly water testing for its Lake Erie island neighbors to keep drinking water safe from harmful algal bloom toxins for these Ohio residents.

Stone Laboratory is one of several locations in North America that monitors atmospheric mercury, and one of only two stations in Ohio.

Facilities, equipment, and research vessels available at Stone Laboratory offer researchers an ideal setting to conduct Lake Erie research, and facilities use has almost doubled after extensive renovations.

By providing hands-on training to students, Stone Lab’s research experience for undergraduate program is training the nation’s next great scientists.ce for undergraduate program is training the nation’s next great scientists.

Stone Laboratory coordinated a Lake Erie water quality monitoring program in which charter boat captains help generate scientific data and provide a valuable educational experience for fishers aboard the captains’ boats.