Stone Lab Director's Award | Ohio Sea Grant

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The Ohio State University

Ohio Sea Grant


Stone Lab Director's Award

F. T. Stone Laboratory Director's Award

F. T. Stone Laboratory Director’s Award


Chris Henderson

24 January
in recognition of your leadership of the Stone Lab and Research Building renovation projects. This work on 2 islands and in buildings that are 85-120 years old, required 3 modes of transportation and working around classes, visitors, research projects, and water snakes. Your work will benefit students and scientists and improve science education in Ohio, the management of the Great Lakes, and benefit millions people. You have our deepest gratitude.

Chris Redfern

24 January
in recognition of your dedication, commitment, and personal contributions to our programs to improve Lake Erie and science education. Your leadership of initiatives within the Ohio Legislature has enabled badly needed renovations to occur at Stone Laboratory, had major impacts on our research, education, and outreach programs, and benefited millions of Ohioans. We all owe you a sincere debt of gratitude.

Rick Van Deusen

24 January
in recognition of your leadership of projects to replace 8 roofs, repair a 120 year old chimney, and install solar panels and solar thermal at Stone Lab. This work on 2 islands and in buildings that are 85-120 years old, required 3 modes of transportation and working around classes, visitors, research projects, and water snakes. Your work will benefit students and scientists and improve science education in Ohio, the management of the Great Lakes, and benefit millions people. You have our deepest gratitude.

Mark J. Wilhelm

21 August
in recognition of your dedication, commitment, and personal contributions to our programs to improve Lake Erie and science education in Ohio. Your quiet work for over 30 years has been instrumental to our success and has benefitted thousands of people. We all owe you a sincere debt of gratitude.

Lydia R. Bailey

14 August
in recognition of your unselfish dedication, commitment, and personal contributions to our programs to improve Lake Erie and science education. Your financial contributions are exemplary and your volunteer efforts to personally help students, faculty, staff, and research scientists have had major impacts on our research, education and outreach programs and have benefited thousands of people throughout Ohio.

Charlene Prochazka

14 August
in recognition of your unselfish dedication, commitment, and personal contributions to our programs to improve Lake Erie and science education. Your financial contributions are exemplary and your volunteer efforts to personally help students, faculty, staff, and research scientists have had major impacts on our research, education and outreach programs and have benefited thousands of people throughout Ohio.

Joan Mayher

14 September
in recognition of your unselfish dedication, commitment, and personal contributions to our programs to improve Lake Erie. For almost 20 years, your efforts have had a major positive impact on Ohio Sea Grant’s and Stone Laboratory’s research, education and outreach programs and have benefited thousands of people throughout Ohio.

Phyllis Crites

14 September
in recognition of your many years of quiet and selfless dedication to, and support of, John, the FOSL, and the faculty, staff, and students of Stone Laboratory.

David W. Garton

29 August
in recognition of your outstanding research and teaching and your dedication and leadership of efforts to enhance the research and education programs and facilities at Stone Laboratory, Ohio’s Lake Erie Laboratory since 1895. Your efforts have played a significant role in improving Lake Erie and enhancing the quality of science education in Ohio.

Jilda D. Garton

29 August
in recognition of your unselfish commitment and tremendous impact on efforts to enhance the research and education programs and facilities at Stone Laboratory, Ohio’s Lake Erie Laboratory since 1895. Your efforts have played a significant role in enhancing the quality of science education in Ohio.

William J. Napier

29 August
in recognition of your unselfish dedication, commitment, and personal contributions to our programs to improve Lake Erie and science education in Ohio. Your efforts have had a major impact on the research and education programs and facilities at Stone Laboratory, Ohio’s Lake Erie Laboratory since 1895, and have benefited thousands of students throughout Ohio.

Arleen N. Pineda

29 August
in recognition of your thoughtfulness and patience with students and faculty, and your dedication and leadership of efforts to enhance educational opportunities at Stone Laboratory, Ohio’s Lake Erie Laboratory since 1895. Your efforts have played a significant role in improving Lake Erie and enhancing the quality of science education in Ohio.

Mildred Putnam

24 August
for quiet and selfless dedication to and support of the faculty, staff, and students of Stone Laboratory.

Jo Ann Damon

26 August
for dedication, service, and leadership of our efforts to enhance enrollment and assist students and faculty at Stone Laboratory.

John R. Hageman, Jr.

26 August
for dedication, service, and leadership of the education and research programs at Stone Laboratory.