Ohio Clean Programs | About Us

[ ☰ ] Ohio State University

The Ohio State University

Ohio Sea Grant



The Ohio Clean Marinas Program is a proactive partnership designed to encourage marinas and boaters to use simple, innovative solutions to keep Ohio’s coastal and inland waterway resources clean.

The program assists these operators in protecting the resources that provide their livelihood – clean water and fresh air.

The basic goal of the program is environmental stewardship by making marinas and boaters more aware of environmental laws, rules and jurisdictions, and to get as many marinas as possible to follow best management practices and to be designated as Clean Marinas.

Some of the benefits of becoming a certified Clean Marina include:

  • improved water quality and wildlife habitat
  • public recognition and enhanced image
  • attracting conscientious boaters
  • compliance assistance
  • financial incentives


The Ohio Clean Marinas Program was developed in partnership with the Ohio Sea Grant College Program, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil and Water Conservation, Office of Coastal Management, and Division of State Parks and Watercraft; Ohio Department of Health; Ohio Environmental Protection Agency; Ohio Department of Commerce, State Fire Marshall Division; U.S. Coast Guard; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Lake Erie Marine Trades Association, Greater Cleveland Boating Association, local health departments, local fire marshals, and marina and yacht club owners, and managers.

The Ohio Clean Marinas Program was developed and is maintained with financial assistance provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration through the ODNR — Office of Coastal Management and Division of Soil and Water Conservation to Ohio Sea Grant.


The Ohio Clean Boater Program assists boaters in protecting the resources they value and enjoy through their recreational activities.

The Ohio Clean Boater Program assists boaters in protecting the resources they value and enjoy through their recreational activities – clean water and fresh air. The goal of the program is promoting environmental stewardship by making boaters more aware of the environmental impact of boating activities, and to get as many boaters as possible to follow best boater practices and to be designated as Clean Boaters.

Some of the benefits of becoming a Clean Boater include:

  • become a good steward
  • learn about best boater practices
  • protect future recreation opportunities