Ohio Clean Programs | Contact Us

[ ☰ ] Ohio State University

The Ohio State University

Ohio Sea Grant


Contact Us

Questions? Schedule pickup? Let us know how we can help!

Meet Our Staff

Photo of Mrs.  Sarah Ann Orlando

Sarah oversees the Ohio Clean Marinas, Clean Boater, and Shrink Wrap Recycling Programs. She provides education and outreach to the marina and boating community on a variety of topics including stormwater, aquatic invasive species, marine debris, and coastal resiliency.

Clean Marinas, Program Manager
Photo of  Tracey  Coe
Tracey Coe
Ohio River Basin Program Coordinator
(614) 980-7312
Photo of  Amy  Torrey-Rinehart
Amy Torrey-Rinehart
Clean Marinas Program Administrator
(614) 265-6495