Educator Resources | Ohio Sea Grant

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The Ohio State University

Ohio Sea Grant


Educator Resources

Ohio Sea Grant and its partners offer a wide range of resources to classroom teachers and informal educators

Featured Curricula

Stone Lab Virtual Field Trips (2021)

Stone Lab Virtual Field Trips were designed for a few different situations: to generate excitement and prepare students for a Stone Lab field trip experience, as supplemental experiences or assessments after an in-person field trip, or on their own to give students a digital field trip experience.

Solar Technology Curriculum (2017)

The Solar Technology Curriculum offers teachers a blended approach to instruction; Nearpod presentions utilize a highly engaging content delivery application, allowing students to interact directly with background knowledge and lessons while providing real-time formative assessment. The lessons are written using a structured or guided inquiry approach which can easily be adapted to meet the needs of higher- or lower-level learners. Students have the opportunity to design investigations, analyze and interpret data, and communicate understanding through the use of models.

Great Lakes Climate Change Curriculum (2013)

Lessons and activities introduce students to the effects of climate change on the Great Lakes region through classroom activities and outdoor labs. The lessons are developed for classroom teachers, but most can be adapted for informal education settings.

How well do you know the Great Lakes? (2014)

An interactive lesson where learners construct the five Great Lakes from string and use paper “water” and “fish” to demonstrate comparisons between the lakes.

What is the impact of beach litter? (2014)

An interactive lesson where learners construct a web of factors that may increase or decrease as a result of beach litter

More Curriculum

A complete list of Ohio Sea Grant Curricula and Educational Publications is available on the Products page.

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Center for Great Lakes Literacy

The Center aims to develop a community of Great Lakes literate educators, students, scientists, environmental professionals, and citizen volunteers, dedicated to improved Great Lakes stewardship.

Visit CGLL

Erie PrOH

Erie PrOH is a voluntary certification course for fishing guides and crew members who work on Lake Erie.

Erie PrOH