Become a Friend | Ohio Sea Grant

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The Ohio State University

Ohio Sea Grant


Become a Friend

The Friends of Stone Lab are a non-profit group that supports Stone Lab research, education and outreach efforts

Friends of Stone Laboratory (FOSL)

Since its inception in 1982, Friends of Stone Laboratory has aided in the creation of several philanthropic funds and endowments, purchased equipment such as microscopes, computers, and sampling equipment, and supported the student experience through scholarships, fellowships, and research experiences.

The FOSL community provides opportunities to stay connected with Stone Laboratory and invest in its future. FOSL has come to encompass a diverse group of people, including those who previously attended Stone Laboratory as well as individuals who have an interest in Lake Erie science education, the health of lake, and the economic potential of the region.

No matter their reason for giving, members are dedicated to the future of Stone Laboratory.

How do I become a Friend?

Make a donation, become a friend.

Support Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory with a donation to any Ohio Sea Grant or Stone Laboratory fund. With your gift, you become a Friend of Stone Laboratory (FOSL): a dedicated, generous community of friends who provide resources essential for our research, education, and outreach missions. All donations are tax-deductible and directly support programs and student success.

Make a Donation

Legacy Patron

Customizable gift through your Estate (please contact us for details). Includes membership in Ohio State’s Neil Legacy Society

FOSL Annual Events

Events sponsored by FOSL support the mission of the group by raising money, promoting programs, supporting scholarships, and improving facilities.

Winter Program: This social event is scheduled each February in Columbus. It features speakers presenting information related to Lake Erie and Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory.

Spring Work Weekend: Each April, FOSL volunteers spend a weekend cleaning Stone Laboratory’s facilities and preparing the laboratory for returning students.

Open House: Held in September the first Saturday after Labor Day, this public event features tours of Gibraltar Island and the South Bass Island Lighthouse.

Annual Meeting: Held in October, at the time of the Open House, members hold an annual meeting and vote in new board members.

Who we

FOSL started primarily as a group of alumni, faculty, and staff who wanted to support Stone Laboratory, science education and Lake Erie, and give outstanding future students the opportunity to benefit from the Stone Lab experience. FOSL offers members the chance to stay connected with Stone Laboratory and to provide for its future.

We wanted future students, teachers, and scientists to have the same wonderful opportunities and experiences that many of us had at the lab. Since that time, FOSL has come to encompass a much wider group of people, including those who may simply have an interest in Lake Erie, science education, and the environment in general. No matter their reason for joining FOSL, members are dedicated and concerned about the future of Stone Laboratory and the health of Lake Erie.

FOSL mission

  • Promoting better understanding of academic resources, research achievements and public services available through Stone Laboratory
  • Encouraging the creation of endowments, bequests, gifts of money, and gifts-in-kind to enhance the Stone Laboratory experience
  • Developing closer fellowship among students, alumni, faculty, researchers, and others
  • Providing modern instruction and research equipment and improving the physical facilities at Stone Laboratory
  • Advising long-range planning for Stone Laboratory