Fish-Sampling Techniques Workshop to be held at OSU Stone Lab | Ohio Sea Grant

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The Ohio State University

Ohio Sea Grant


Fish-Sampling Techniques Workshop to be held at OSU Stone Lab

12:00 pm, Wed August 29, 2007 –

Columbus, OH College students, professionals, and others interested in learning the field work involved with seasonal internships or technical positions with Ohio’s state agencies such as the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA), are invited to attend the first ever "Workshop on Fish-Sampling Techniques of Ohio’s State Agencies" October 6-7, 2007 at Stone Laboratory, The Ohio State University’s Island Campus on Lake Erie.

"Students will participate in exactly the same fish-sampling techniques used by professionals and supervisors of seasonal technicians in Ohio’s state agencies," explains Eugene Braig, Assistant Director of Stone Lab and one of the instructors for the workshop. "This type of training is extremely beneficial for students looking for internships and seasonal work. The workshop will help students become more marketable, build resumes, and earn jobs."

Demonstrations and hands-on activities include fish sampling using:
• Trawls
• Fyke nets
• Gill nets
• Long-line electrofishing
• Boat electrofishing

The registration deadline for the two-day workshop is September 27, 2007 and is on a first-come, first-served basis with a limit of 10 students. Preference will be given to any currently enrolled undergraduate students, and adults are welcome to apply. There is a fee of $140 which includes room and board at Stone Lab on Gibraltar Island. To register, contact Eugene Braig at

The workshop is conducted in collaboration with the Ohio Sea Grant College Program and Stone Laboratory, the ODNR Division of Wildlife, and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. Instructors for the workshop include: Eugene Braig, Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Lab, Marc Smith, Ohio EPA, Eric Weimer, ODNR Division of Wildlife, and Mike Wilkerson, ODNR Division of Wildlife.

Located on the 6.5-acre Gibraltar Island in Put-in-Bay harbor, Stone Laboratory is The Ohio State University’s Island Campus on Lake Erie and the education and research facility of the Ohio Sea Grant College Program. The Ohio State University’s Ohio Sea Grant program is part of NOAA Sea Grant, a network of 30 Sea Grant programs dedicated to the protection and sustainable use of marine and Great Lakes resources. For more information about Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Lab, visit



Eugene Braig
Assistant Director, Ohio Sea Grant

ARTICLE TITLE: Fish-Sampling Techniques Workshop to be held at OSU Stone Lab PUBLISHED: 12:00 pm, Wed August 29, 2007 | MODIFIED: 1:12 pm, Tue April 28, 2015
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Daniella Nordin
Authored By: Daniella Nordin
Online Community Manager, Skidmore College

Daniella Nordin is the online community manager at Skidmore College.In this role she is responsible for developing and implementing the college’s overall strategy in social media. Her primary focus is on recruitment marketing and engaging with prospective students as well as coordinating the social media efforts of all college offices an departments. She has a B.S. from The Ohio State University and an M.A. in Communications from the University at Albany, SUNY.