Webinar to Introduce Climate Change Communication Strategies | Ohio Sea Grant

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The Ohio State University

Ohio Sea Grant


Webinar to Introduce Climate Change Communication Strategies

12:00 pm, Mon May 7, 2012 –

The Ohio State University Climate Change Outreach Team will present “Framing Climate Change: Recent Research Trends on Communication Strategies & Public Opinion”? on Wednesday, May 9.  Erik Nisbet, assistant professor of communication and political science at Ohio State, will discuss how the public views the issue of climate change, several explanations for these differences in perception, and possible approaches for bridging the gaps through innovative communication strategies.

The webinar, which is part of the Global Change, Local Impact webinar series, will be held on May 9 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Attendance is free, but registration is required to receive log-in information. Visit to sign up. A Q&A session, moderated by Anne Baird, Extension Educator with Ohio State University’s School of Environment & Natural Resources and the OSU Extension Watershed Program, will follow the presentation.

Dr. Nisbet’s research interests center on how unconscious biases and selective information gathering through different media channels can influence public opinion about science and environmental policy. His presentation will also include an overview of the latest research on best climate change communication practices, which can help develop a public consensus about the issue.

The OSU Climate Change Outreach Team is a partnership among multiple departments within The Ohio State University, including OSU Extension, Ohio Sea Grant, the Department of Agricultural, Environmental & Development Economics, and the School of Environment & Natural Resources, to help localize the climate change issue by bringing research and resources to Ohioans and Great Lakes residents. More information about the team’s work is available at


Jill Jentes Banicki, Assistant Director, Ohio Sea Grant, 614-292-8949,

ARTICLE TITLE: Webinar to Introduce Climate Change Communication Strategies PUBLISHED: 12:00 pm, Mon May 7, 2012 | MODIFIED: 1:12 pm, Tue April 28, 2015
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Christina Dierkes
Outreach Specialist, Ohio Sea Grant College Program

As Ohio Sea Grant’s science writer, Christina covers research, education and outreach projects in the Great Lakes for a wide range of audiences. She also produces online events like the Freshwater Science webinar series and other outreach events, and manages social media for Ohio Sea Grant.