Stone Laboratory Guest Lecture Series Presents “Great Lakes — Great Opportunities” | Ohio Sea Grant

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Ohio Sea Grant


Stone Laboratory Guest Lecture Series Presents “Great Lakes — Great Opportunities”

12:00 pm, Mon July 23, 2012 –

Gibraltar Island, OH Stone Laboratory’s summer lecture series continues Thursday, July 26 with David Ulrich, Executive Director of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, who will be discussing “Great Lakes — Great Opportunities.”?

The Thursday lectures run from 7:45 p.m. to about 9 p.m. A short presentation on current research projects precedes each lecture at 7 p.m. This week, Erin Sams, Ohio Sea Grant Knauss Fellow, will talk about her time in the Knauss Fellowship program, a unique educational experience for students who have an interest in ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources.

Lectures and research briefs can be viewed via a live web seminar from any computer with internet access. More details and log-in information for this simple and fast option can be requested via email to

Guests who would like to attend the lectures in person can take a Lake Erie Water Taxi, at their own expense, at 6:30 or 7:15 p.m. from the Boardwalk Restaurant dock to Gibraltar Island.

“The guest lecture series is a unique opportunity to meet and ask questions of influential people from around the state”? says Dr. Chris Winslow, Assistant Director of Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Lab. “It’s also a great way to hear their thoughts about Lake Erie health, pressing Ohio environmental issues, and what is being done throughout the state to maintain precious resources and promote recreational opportunities in the region.”?

The last lecture in the series series will be held next week, on August 2, when Cameron Davis, Senior Advisor to the Administrator (Great Lakes) at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, speaks about “The Day Science Saved the Great Lakes.”? Dr. Philip Xie, Associate Professor and Director of the School of Human Movement, Sport, & Leisure Studies at Bowling Green State University, will present the research brief.

View the entire summer lecture series schedule at Recorded lectures will be available at this site shortly after each session.

Located on the 6.5-acre Gibraltar Island in Put-in-Bay harbor, Stone Laboratory is the Ohio State University’s Island Campus on Lake Erie and the education and research facility of the Ohio Sea Grant College Program. The Ohio State University’s Ohio Sea Grant Program is part of NOAA Sea Grant, a network of 32 Sea Grant programs dedicated to the protection and sustainable use of marine and Great Lakes resources. For information on Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Lab, visit


Ohio Sea Grant Columbus Office, 614.292.8949,

ARTICLE TITLE: Stone Laboratory Guest Lecture Series Presents “Great Lakes — Great Opportunities” PUBLISHED: 12:00 pm, Mon July 23, 2012 | MODIFIED: 1:12 pm, Tue April 28, 2015
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Christina Dierkes
Outreach Specialist, Ohio Sea Grant College Program

As Ohio Sea Grant’s science writer, Christina covers research, education and outreach projects in the Great Lakes for a wide range of audiences. She also produces online events like the Freshwater Science webinar series and other outreach events, and manages social media for Ohio Sea Grant.