Gibraltar Island, OH Educators throughout the Great Lakes region can earn credit toward their Highly Qualified Teacher certification while they spend a week networking with other education professionals, speaking with Lake Erie scientists, and earning graduate credit. Stone Laboratory, Ohio State’s Island campus on Lake Erie, provides hands-on and feet-in classes full of inquiry- and project-based learning to give educators the chance to take fresh ideas back to their classroom. Classroom and education majors can choose from five classes this summer ranging from geology to climate change.
“The classes for educators are designed to help them incorporate real-world science into their teaching, either in classrooms or informal settings”? says Dr. Rosanne Fortner, Ohio State University Professor Emeritus. “The combination of current science, curriculum and standards connections, and firsthand research experiences on the lake and islands brings an excitement and personal relationship to the subject matter. Educators emerge prepared to translate their Stone Lab learning into a more engaging curriculum.”?
Fortner teaches Climate Change Education class, which will travel to two Lake Erie islands while learning the interdisciplinary aspects of climate change and how to create engaging lesson plans integrating different areas of Earth science. A second class, Climate and Sustainability, will investigate the interactions among climate, local watersheds, the environment, and corn production.
Another unique class, Geologic Setting of Lake Erie, takes place as a week-long van trip along the southern shore of Lake Erie, examining the geological features of Ohio and the Lake Erie basin. Principles of Oceanography for Educators will use samples from a research vessel and field trips to the mainland and islands to develop and understanding of the global ocean and ways to illustrate ocean principles in the classroom.
Located on the 6.5-acre Gibraltar Island in Put-in-Bay harbor, Stone Laboratory is Ohio State University’s Island Campus on Lake Erie and the education and research facility of the Ohio Sea Grant College Program. Established in 1895, Stone Laboratory is the oldest freshwater biological field station in the United States and the center of Ohio State University’s teaching and research on Lake Erie. Stone Lab offers 25 college-credit science courses each summer for undergraduate and graduate students, advanced high school students, and educators. For information on Stone Laboratory, visit
Dr. Rosanne Fortner, Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University, _910.278.6754, _
Arleen Pineda, Stone Laboratory Columbus Office, 614.292.8949,