Ready, set, draw! Grab your kids, art supplies, and spread the word about marine debris of course!
The NOAA Marine Debris Program’s annual “Keep the Sea Free of Debris”? Art Contest for grades K-8 is now open. Students can submit artwork from November 7th through December 19th.
This year, the NOAA MDP wants to know:
” How does marine debris effect the ocean and Great Lake environments?
” How will you help be part of the marine debris solution? (e.g. Lead cleanups in your community)
The winners of the contest will be featured in the 2015 marine debris calendar to help raise awareness year-round and remind us all that we can solve the marine debris problem every day.
For a complete list of contest rules, visit and download the student entry form and art contest flyer. For questions, please contact Asma Mahdi at