Ohio State's Stone Lab Announces New Scholarship for Ottawa County Residents | Ohio Sea Grant

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Ohio Sea Grant


Ohio State's Stone Lab Announces New Scholarship for Ottawa County Residents

12:00 pm, Mon March 23, 2015 – A new scholarship will help Ottawa County high school and college students and teachers attend summer courses at Stone Laboratory, The Ohio State University’s island campus on Lake Erie

Columbus, OH A new scholarship will help Ottawa County high school and college students and teachers attend summer courses at Stone Laboratory, The Ohio State University’s island campus on Lake Erie.

The scholarship is being funded by a $10,000 grant from the Bill Beck Family Fund of the Ottawa County Community Foundation and will go toward the full cost of a Stone Lab course, including tuition, room, board, supplies, lab fees and application fee, if applicable. The hope is that the scholarship will allow students who could not otherwise afford it to take a course at Stone Lab.

“This is a truly great opportunity for students and teachers in Ottawa County”? said Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory Director Dr. Jeff Reutter. “I wish we had opportunities like this for students in every coastal county and all 88 counties in Ohio.”?

High school and college students and educators who are permanent residents of Ottawa County, Ohio are eligible to apply for the scholarship. To apply, those interested should submit a Stone Lab course application at and contact 614-292-8949 or for additional scholarship requirements.

College students and teachers will need to submit a cover letter, college transcripts and two letters of recommendation. High school students need only submit a cover letter.

Cover letters should:

” Address why the student believes the Stone Lab experience will impact his or her academic and career aspirations, ” Highlight the student’s qualifications, and ” Discuss the student’s financial need.

The submission deadline for all materials is 5 p.m. EST Monday, April 13, 2015.

This project was funded by a grant from the Bill Beck Family Fund of the Ottawa County Community Foundation, an affiliate organization of the Toledo Community Foundation.

Located on the 6.5-acre Gibraltar Island in Put-in-Bay harbor, Stone Laboratory is Ohio State’s Island Campus on Lake Erie and the research, education, and outreach facility of the Ohio Sea Grant College Program. Established in 1895, Stone Laboratory is the oldest freshwater biological field station in the United States and the center of Ohio State University’s teaching and research on Lake Erie. Stone Lab offers 25 college-credit science courses each summer for undergraduate and graduate students, advanced high school students and educators. For information on Stone Laboratory, visit


Stone Lab Columbus Office, 614.292.8949,

ARTICLE TITLE: Ohio State's Stone Lab Announces New Scholarship for Ottawa County Residents PUBLISHED: 12:00 pm, Mon March 23, 2015 | MODIFIED: 12:12 pm, Thu May 21, 2015
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Lisa Aurand Rice
Authored By: Lisa Aurand Rice
Communication and Marketing Specialist, Ohio Sea Grant College Program

Communications and Marketing Specialist Lisa Rice promotes Stone Lab’s summer courses and is the face behind the Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Lab social media accounts.