Name: Max Frankenberry
Course: Evolution
Rank: Junior
School: The Ohio State University
How did you find out about Stone Lab?
I’m in the EEOB (Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology) Department, and they are constantly driving home how important it is to get out there and do field work and Stone Lab is probably one of the best ways … to spend your summer outside, getting hands on, explaining concepts in your class through field work.
What are you doing in your class?
We are going out every week to catch birds in mist nets across different islands in Lake Erie and we are banding them, and we’re going to use them for a term project.
“This is probably the best way to spend your time over the summer, getting field work and also earning credit.”
Max Frankenberry
What have you enjoyed most about your time here?
The island itself is such a cool atmosphere because you have a group of people that are all extremely interested in the same things you’re interested in, so the community here on Gibraltar is really cool. You sit in the dining hall talking about an invasive species moving in for an hour and everyone else is really interested.
If somebody asked you, “Should I go to Stone Lab?” what would you tell them?
Definitely, yes. In terms of Ohio State campuses and programs, especially environmental sciences and evolution and ecology, this is definitely the best that it gets. This is probably the best way to spend your time over the summer, getting field work and also earning credit.