CLEAR Technical Reports | Ohio Sea Grant

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The Ohio State University

Ohio Sea Grant


CLEAR Technical Reports

Historic reports produced by the Center for Lake Erie Area Research

CLEAR Technical Reports are produced by the Center for Lake Erie Area Research. Reports are primarily historic.

Please note, this category is no longer active.

If you need access to these documents, please email us at with the report title(s) and we can make them available for download.


Biological sampling study conducted onboard the sand dredge J.S. St. John operating on the northwest bar (Norfolk Moraind) in Lake Erie off Erie PA

Biological sampling study conducted onboard the sand dredge J.S. St. John operating on the northwest bar (Norfolk Moraind) in Lake Erie off Erie PA
LENGTH: 299 pages

Lake Erie intensive study 1978-1979 for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study 1978-1979 for USEPA
LENGTH: 624 pages

Lake Erie intensive study 1978-1979: Management report for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study 1978-1979: Management report for USEPA
LENGTH: 96 pages

Lake Erie intensive study 1978-1979: Final report for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study 1978-1979: Final report for USEPA
LENGTH: 500 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Microbiology in main lake and near shore waters for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Microbiology in main lake and near shore waters for USEPA
LENGTH: 33 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Near shore benthic macroinvertebrates-Detroit River to Huron, Ohio for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Near shore benthic macroinvertebrates-Detroit River to Huron, Ohio for USEPA
LENGTH: 108 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Data compatibility analysis for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Data compatibility analysis for USEPA
LENGTH: 15 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Trace metals in main lake and near shore waters for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Trace metals in main lake and near shore waters for USEPA
LENGTH: 35 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Near shore water quality for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Near shore water quality for USEPA
LENGTH: 70 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Near shore water quality trends for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Near shore water quality trends for USEPA
LENGTH: 56 pages

Western Lake Erie water and sediment quality: Near shore intensive study 1978-1979 for USEPA region 5

Western Lake Erie water and sediment quality: Near shore intensive study 1978-1979 for USEPA region 5
LENGTH: 200 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Nutrient loading to Lake Erie and its effect on lake biota for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Nutrient loading to Lake Erie and its effect on lake biota for USEPA
LENGTH: 87 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Macroinvertebrates in main lake and near shore sediments for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Macroinvertebrates in main lake and near shore sediments for USEPA
LENGTH: 15 pages

Benthic macroinvertebrate populations in Lake Erie near the Davis-Besse nuclear power station during 1980

Benthic macroinvertebrate populations in Lake Erie near the Davis-Besse nuclear power station during 1980
LENGTH: 8 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Main lake near shore water quality trends for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Main lake near shore water quality trends for USEPA
LENGTH: 57 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Sediment oxygen demand for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Sediment oxygen demand for USEPA
LENGTH: 168 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Fisheries status and response to water quality for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Fisheries status and response to water quality for USEPA
LENGTH: 29 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Water quality index evaluation for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Water quality index evaluation for USEPA
LENGTH: 49 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Toxic organic contaminants in fish for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Toxic organic contaminants in fish for USEPA
LENGTH: 185 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Main lake sediment chemistry for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Main lake sediment chemistry for USEPA
LENGTH: 28 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Historical water quality trends-Cleveland, Ohio for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Historical water quality trends-Cleveland, Ohio for USEPA
LENGTH: 43 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Water quality violations-Detroit River to Huron, Ohio for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Water quality violations-Detroit River to Huron, Ohio for USEPA
LENGTH: 111 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Cladophora surveillance program-western Basin for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Cladophora surveillance program-western Basin for USEPA
LENGTH: 172 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Introduction, methods and summary: An interim report for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Introduction, methods and summary: An interim report for USEPA
LENGTH: 51 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Near shore phytoplankton-Detroit River to Huron, Ohio for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Near shore phytoplankton-Detroit River to Huron, Ohio for USEPA
LENGTH: 30 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Annotated bibliography of Lake Erie benthic macroinvertebrates for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Annotated bibliography of Lake Erie benthic macroinvertebrates for USEPA
LENGTH: 113 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Synoptic mapping of water quality-western Basin

Lake Erie intensive study: Synoptic mapping of water quality-western Basin
LENGTH: 35 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Near shore nutrient distribution-Detroit River to Huron, Ohio for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Near shore nutrient distribution-Detroit River to Huron, Ohio for USEPA
LENGTH: 88 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Main lake near shore water quality problem areas for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Main lake near shore water quality problem areas for USEPA
LENGTH: 56 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Cluster analysis of near shore water masses for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Cluster analysis of near shore water masses for USEPA
LENGTH: 16 pages

Lake Erie intensive study: Main lake water quality for USEPA

Lake Erie intensive study: Main lake water quality for USEPA
LENGTH: 82 pages

Lake Erie nutrient control program: An assessment of it's effectiveness in controlling lake eutrophication 1973 season for USEPA

Lake Erie nutrient control program: An assessment of it's effectiveness in controlling lake eutrophication 1973 season for USEPA
LENGTH: 137 pages

Lake Erie nutrient control program: An assessment of its effectiveness in controlling lake eutrophication 1974 field season for USEPA

Lake Erie nutrient control program: An assessment of its effectiveness in controlling lake eutrophication 1974 field season for USEPA
LENGTH: 134 pages

Overview of the near shore benthic macroinvertebrates of Lake Erie for USEPA Region 5

Overview of the near shore benthic macroinvertebrates of Lake Erie for USEPA Region 5
LENGTH: 83 pages

Aquatic oligochaetes in the open water sediments of western and central Lake Erie for USEPA

Aquatic oligochaetes in the open water sediments of western and central Lake Erie for USEPA
LENGTH: 160 pages

Lake Erie nutrient control program: An assessment of it's effectiveness in controlling lake eutrophication for USEPA

Lake Erie nutrient control program: An assessment of it's effectiveness in controlling lake eutrophication for USEPA
LENGTH: 725 pages

Distribution and abundance of larval fish in western Lake Erie for US EPA

Distribution and abundance of larval fish in western Lake Erie for US EPA
LENGTH: 95 pages

Resources of the Lake Erie island region for ODNR Division of Water

Resources of the Lake Erie island region for ODNR Division of Water
LENGTH: 277 pages

Macrobenthic fauna of Sandusky Bay a freshwater estuary of Lake Erie for AEP

Macrobenthic fauna of Sandusky Bay a freshwater estuary of Lake Erie for AEP
LENGTH: 67 pages

Environmental parameters affecting the distribution of the isopod Asellus r. racovitzai in western and central basin of Lake Erie

Environmental parameters affecting the distribution of the isopod Asellus r. racovitzai in western and central basin of Lake Erie
LENGTH: 61 pages

Macrobenthic ecology of western Lake Erie at Locust Point, Ohio

Macrobenthic ecology of western Lake Erie at Locust Point, Ohio
LENGTH: 172 pages

Benthic macroinvertebrate populations of Sandusky Bay

Benthic macroinvertebrate populations of Sandusky Bay
LENGTH: 15 pages
Showing: Page 1 of 1 with total 42 item(s)