2023 Friends of Stone Lab Brochure | Ohio Sea Grant

[ ☰ ] Ohio State University

The Ohio State University

Ohio Sea Grant


2023 Friends of Stone Lab Brochure

The 2023 Friends of Stone Laboratory brochure outlines what Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Lab initiatives do; how the FOSL group supports those programs; and what key endowments donors can support to provide resources essential for the program research, education, and outreach missions.

Published: Dec 14, 2023
Last Modified: Dec 21, 2023
Direct: Permalink


Mrs.  Erin  Monaco

Mrs. Erin Monaco

Business Coordinator, Ohio Sea Grant College Program

Kristen DeVanna Fussell

Kristen DeVanna Fussell , PhD

Associate Director, Ohio Sea Grant College Program

 Christopher John Winslow

Christopher John Winslow , PhD

Director, Ohio Sea Grant College Program


The 2023 Friends of Stone Laboratory brochure outlines what Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Lab initiatives do; how the FOSL group supports those programs; and what key endowments donors can support to provide resources essential for the program research, education, and outreach missions.