Great Lakes Climate Change Curriculum | Ohio Sea Grant

[ ☰ ] Ohio State University

The Ohio State University

Ohio Sea Grant


Great Lakes Climate Change Curriculum

A complete set of Great Lakes Climate Change Curriculum lessons in one PDF download. Download the separate Google Earth Tour file required for How Will Climate Change Affect a Great Lakes State? here

Published: Apr 30, 2014
Last Modified: May 9, 2019
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Ms.  Lyndsey Michelle Manzo

Ms. Lyndsey Michelle Manzo

Education Specialist, Ohio Sea Grant College Program

 Christina  Dierkes

Christina Dierkes

Outreach Specialist, Ohio Sea Grant College Program

 Jill  Jentes Banicki

Jill Jentes Banicki

Assistant Director, Communications, Ohio Sea Grant College Program

Dr.  Rosanne White Fortner

Dr. Rosanne White Fortner

Member, National Sea Grant Advisory Board

  1. 1 Cover Page
  2. 2 Water Levels on the Great Lakes
  3. 12 Cars on Trial
  4. 20 How Will Climate Change Affect a Great Lakes State?
  5. 25 Greenhouse Gases
  6. 34 Climate Change and Aquatic Invaders
  7. 51 Global and Great Lakes Climate Change
  8. 63 Trees on the Move
  9. 90 Visualizing Changes in the Great Lakes
  10. 113 Estuary Values and Changes
Climate Change

A complete set of Great Lakes Climate Change Curriculum lessons in one PDF download.

Download the separate Google Earth Tour file required for How Will Climate Change Affect a Great Lakes State? here.