Twine Line Spring/Summer 2020 | Ohio Sea Grant

[ ☰ ] Ohio State University

The Ohio State University

Ohio Sea Grant


Twine Line Spring/Summer 2020

Ohio Sea Grant researchers and Extension specialists are working to protect public health, prevent plastic pollution and maintain drinking water safety

Published: May 29, 2020
Last Modified: Mar 13, 2023
Volume: 42 Issue: 1
Length: 19 pages


 Christina  Dierkes

Christina Dierkes

Outreach Specialist, Ohio Sea Grant College Program

 Jill  Jentes Banicki

Jill Jentes Banicki

Assistant Director, Communications, Ohio Sea Grant College Program

 Christina  Dierkes

Christina Dierkes

Outreach Specialist, Ohio Sea Grant College Program


Christina Dierkes - Author, David J. Kennedy, PhD - Source, Jill Ferlinc Bartolotta - Source, Jill Jentes Banicki - Author, Sophia M Schroeder - Source, Steven Haller, PhD - Source, Victoria Campbell-Arvai, PhD - Source, Xiaozhen Mou, PhD - Source


Ohio Sea Grant researchers and Extension specialists are working to protect public health, prevent plastic pollution and maintain drinking water safety.